Sunday review: April 5-10


Most readers think about these posts alone. But this might be a good week for you to choose one and talk about it with someone close to you. The quotes below will get you started.

April 5
Those of us who parent, manage, and lead should always be thinking about what authority we can let go of so that another’s leadership ability might grow.
Read more.

April 6
We will always be better leaders when we understand we follow the good shepherd while we shepherd those we have been charged to lead.
Read more.

April 7
Pick a place and settle into your community, your job, your family, and do good where you are every day.
Read more.

April 8
There’s not a place for halfway faith or halfway obedience. Maybe we should take a minute and think about how we approach the commands of God and the plans he has for us.
Read more.

April 9
The option to trust the Creator of Heaven and earth instead of trusting the next thing some politician or entertainment icon suggests is both real and available today. No one has taken away our ability to choose to love God, love others, and thereby possess the kingdom of God now and forever.
Read more.

April 10
Jesus says, “Forgive.” In obeying him we discover a flowing spring of grace that refreshes the soul, washes away bitterness, and prepares us to move forward without the weight of resentment.
Read more.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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We can find comfort we need from the voice of faith and experience


How everyday forgiveness can help us cope with everyday life