Sunday review: August 9-14


Helpful perspectives to lighten the load of the heavy issues you’re facing. You’ll find them in this week’s posts. Read, remember . . . and share!

August 9
We serve a God who is much more than very wealthy. He is the creator and owner of everything.
God has entrusted us with stewardship of everything. Not some of his stuff. All of his stuff.
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August 10
One of our problems in navigating our current challenges is that we default to making judgments and decisions based on what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. It’s hard to admit that no one can see it all or know it all, yet we cling to the words and pictures we are given. We’re confident our sources are the right ones. And they probably have some of the truth, but they do not yet have all the truth.
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August 11
I can recall a specific moment I knew God called me. It overwhelmed me as a teenager. At times over the years I resisted. And the encounter would come again. It wouldn’t be my education, my talents, or any physical attributes that qualified me for any particular assignment. It was my availability. It was the “Here I am, send me” moments that have come time and time again.
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August 12
Even when we can’t see it, even on those days when we can’t imagine it, God is with us. We will get past the suffering. Restoration and joy do come in the morning, even on days when the difficulty reappears as the sun sets. We can pray, we must pray, that God will take the work of our hands and invigorate the outcomes. We want the calming rest of God’s hand on our shoulders, knowing he is with us carrying and lightening the load.
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August 13
If God has blessed us with a new day, then we must keep our eyes open for those he places in our path who struggle to find enough food or shelter for even one more day. Jesus is shockingly clear that when we see and serve those in need we are seeing and serving him.
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August 14
The balanced believer leaves cheery denial at one extreme, rejects hopeless despair at the other, and settles on trust.
Read more.

 Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash 

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