Sunday review, December 14-19

Think again about what God has given—and how you will respond to a world that needs his gift—as you read and share these snippets from this week’s posts.

December 19
This year, as I remember the deep joy and sustenance brought to me by both my son and my daughter, as we prepare to hug a grandson who will delight us with all he’s becoming at 4 years old, I shudder at the meaning of “God sent his Son.”
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December 18
Paul’s secret to getting through all his challenges and even rejoicing from his jail was not self-reliance. Paul’s secret was to depend solely on Christ as the one who gives him strength. Paul knew he didn’t have enough strength within himself, nor did he have enough resources except through Christ and the people who belonged to Christ providing for his needs.
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December 17
Even when a disagreement starts small, the enemy will always try to throw some fuel on the dispute, because he knows a good fight will always take energy and attention off of the mission.
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December 16
Whatever your address, somewhere nearby there is trouble, brokenness, poverty, and lost people. And as redeemed of God we are to do the work of God in these places. We work not to earn God’s favor but to demonstrate God’s love. We work out our salvation in gratitude and awe that God has saved us and that he has equipped and trusted us to be his representatives and change agents.
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December 15
For a moment and sometimes for years . . . famous people are remembered and revered. But none of their names will be remembered forever. Their wealth will be spent or given away. Their names will no longer be in headlines. . . . Fame fades in every case and every situation except one, Jesus.
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December 14
Take a minute and thank God for your spouse, your business partners, your church community, and your friends. God brings us into life together not only to bless us, but that through us He might finish the work of renewal and restoration he has started.
Read more.

Photo by MayoFi on Unsplash


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My tale of three sons . . . mine, his, and ultimately, God’s