Sunday review: June 14-19

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Dean wrote Monday about fathers and sons. Maybe that would be a good post to read again today. Or maybe these quotes will lead you to another to give you hope for your new week.

June 14
If you failed to listen to the wisdom of your parents or if they had limited wisdom to offer, don’t live as if all is lost. God is available with his wisdom. He has also placed many of his wise servants closer to you than you might realize. Take time to pray for God to give you wisdom and to lead you to wise advisers.
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June 15
There is no being good enough. There is no earning God’s favor. There is no participation in the Kingdom of God except by the grace of God based on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
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June 16
Here’s my attempt to describe the “love chapter“ with different words so that I don’t just skim Paul’s familiar and powerful message to us. Read this and then read 1 Corinthians 13 and ask God to help you love others as he loves you.
Read more.

June 17
Whether you serve someone in the minutiae of processing an insurance claim, repairing a cell phone, plowing a field for a crop, or smiling at a cashier, every encounter can bring a connection straight from the God in you to the heart of another person.
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June 18
Paul reminds people of faith that we can have unshakable hope because of the faithfulness of God. He can and will provide strength and comfort. However, his comfort is not just sympathy and warm feelings. God’s comfort literally provides strength to our very souls.
Read more.

June 19
We face our failures as if they're (1) unique and (2) unforgivable. But God anticipated our sins, even the worst of them, even the sin you’ve kept hidden for 50 years. Not only that sin, but all the shortcomings you never even see in yourself—they’re all in the same basket. God’s taken care of them all.
Read more.

Photo by Steve Shreve on Unsplash

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