Wisdom: every generation’s need, every father’s and son’s challenge

By Dean Collins

My 2-year-old granddaughter heard the 1970 song “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens the other day and she announced to her mother that I sing this song and my wife dances to it. I can assure you this has never happened. I suspect my daughter remembered that I used to sing that song when she was younger and had told her that. I learned the song in high school. As a teenage boy I felt a strong connection to the lyrics as I attempted to navigate my relationship with my father.


My dad did many good things in his lifetime. He also made some choices that created challenges and difficulties for himself and for our family. I could say my father didn’t do as Solomon suggested and listen to his father’s instruction. But my grandfather died when my dad was just 10, so he probably missed out on a lot of wisdom his dad might have offered. In order to hear your father’s instructions you have to spend some time with him. And your father also needs to possess some wisdom and take the time to share it.

Two generations

I suspect the biblical scholars can speculate, but no one would really be able to tell us how much time Solomon spent with his father, King David. And we also don’t know how much time Solomon spent with his son Rehoboam. It does seem that kings probably have pretty full schedules. That plus Solomon’ multiple wives would have left very little quality time for father and son. Even though David recorded much wisdom in the Psalms and his son Solomon prayed for and received wisdom from God, with each generation there was less and less listening to or learning from the father’s instructions.

The song “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens really does capture the tension of two generations trying to navigate their relationships. And this son, like all daughters and sons, must one day stand on their own and determine their own paths. Parents need to understand and respect that reality. Hovering and lecturing will wear everyone out and lead to little chance of imparting wisdom and definitely to limited relationships in the later stages of life.

Wisdom is available . . .

The good news for parents and for children is that, in addition to our birth parents, we have a Heavenly Father who always has time, whose wisdom is unlimited, and has provided written wisdom in God’s Word. He also gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us in both understanding and practice of this wisdom. And as if that’s not enough, Solomon reminded us that when we walk with the wise, we can become wise.

This walking is more than just a quick stroll in the park. It involves spending time with, living life with, learning from, and practicing the wisdom as it’s offered. When we choose to walk with those who possess wisdom, we must be willing to give up walking with those who repeatedly demonstrate foolishness and worldliness.

If you failed to listen to the wisdom of your parents or if they had limited wisdom to offer, don’t live as if all is lost. God is available with his wisdom. He has also placed many of his wise servants closer to you than you might realize. Take time to pray for God to give you wisdom and to lead you to wise advisers.

If your parents offered great wisdom, then cherish it and embrace it. If they didn’t, then ask God to lead you to the godly older men and women in your church and community who can lead and guide you.

. . . for those who seek it

In our youth we often think the “old people “ don’t understand, and sometimes we don’t. When we are older we might be surprised to find that those younger than us have wisdom from God to offer us. Thinking you have it all figured out and that you don’t need any help or wisdom is a pretty clear signal that a collapse is coming.

Drink deeply today from the fountain of life. Trust God’s wisdom and seek out those who demonstrate they have also been drinking from that same fountain awhile now. You will recognize them easily. Their kindness, humility, and faithfulness will give them away.

Your time with God’s Word
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13:1, 13-14, 16, 18, 20‬ ‭ESV

Photo by Steve Shreve on Unsplash

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