Sunday review: June 7-12


Day by day by day, we find new ways to bring our lives closer to the ideal God has in mind for us. We hope these devotions help you on that journey, and we think at least one of this week’s posts is worth your considering again.

June 7
If you think you’re the expert and start looking down on others who haven’t learned enough or don’t know what you think you know, you end up like a popover, filled with a lot of hot air but little nutritional value.
Read more.

June 8
So today take time to practice your spiritual disciplines. Pray, read Scripture, encourage someone, make a financial contribution, feed a hungry person, offer a cup of water, and so on. But don’t do these things because you feel you must in order to be good enough to get into Heaven. Do these things to live out the gospel in a way that allows others to come to Jesus.
Read more.

June 9
God’s desire and his pattern is to reveal himself and release his transformational power through weakness so that no one can boast that they did it themselves. And that’s the thing: We really can’t save ourselves from our sin problem. We can’t find or buy peace that passes all understanding. That kind of peace doesn’t come from successful competition and earned income or status. Only Jesus delivers these gifts, and they come by way of his grace.
Read more.

June 10
Maybe when we stop moving long enough and shut out all the voices in our head and all the well-intentioned suggestions from others—maybe then we can actually hear what God has to say.
Read more.

June 11
Don’t become prideful about your gifts. They don’t make you better; they simply help the church do what Jesus commands us to do: love one another and share his gospel throughout the world.
Read more.

June 12
Does our embarrassment at repeated failure with [some sin] make it more difficult for us to get rid of it? Could this hinder recovery for Christian porn users (or wife beaters or heavy drinkers or overspenders) who know how much the church condemns their behavior?
Read more.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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A better way to deal with sin than focusing on how wrong it is