Sunday review: May 10-15


Something making you afraid? You’re not the first one to feel fear; in fact, several posts this week give us clues to how the Bible says to deal with fear. Choose some of these to read again. Maybe you’ll even send a link to share one of these posts with a friend!

May 10
Paul expected struggle as he faithfully and joyfully shared his life with others. Paul didn’t seem fearful of pain and suffering and he didn’t allow struggle to discourage or stop him from sharing the love of Christ.
Read more.

May 11
When God calls us, we must never allow our fears, our pride, and our jealousy to interfere with the story God wants to write in us and through us. There is so much joy and satisfaction we may miss if we become obstinate or fearful.
Read more.

May 12
…take a few minutes and be still. Stop thinking you must or can fix whatever it is today you were about to fix.
Read more.

May 13
While we all might be looking for escape from something, what if God sometimes calls us to stay put and serve those around us instead of watching us run to the next opportunity? Staying put might be where God wants you today. Staying dependent on him and attentive to the needs of others around you might be today’s assignment.
Read more.

May 14
We all have fears sometimes. It’s normal. But God doesn’t want us to be frozen by our fears. He is with us and all through Scripture consistently reminds us not to give in to the fear but rather to trust him. Even the great apostle Paul needed this reminder to stop being afraid.
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May 15
We’re misguided if we don’t seize today’s digital possibilities. But we’re also wrong if we dismiss or discount the real need for large-group, in-person experiences. The fact is that something can happen in a room full of Christians engaged with each other that will not happen in your living room alone or with only a few others.
Read more.

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

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You can raise them well, but they still have to make their own choices


Digital is here to stay, but I believe it can’t be the only way