Sunday review: May 17-22


What’s been happening in your life because you’ve encountered God through his Word? Look at quotes from this week’s posts and choose one or two to read again or to share with a friend. Ask God to help you decide what should be happening because of his guidance in your life.

May 17
As we follow Jesus, our children and even our adult children will notice and remember. And one day, when we are gone and they are older and wiser, they probably will sound and act a bit like us—and hopefully a lot like Jesus.
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May 18
If you are not sure how much you are being defeated by your negative self-talk, find a good friend and ask them. Often others see the discouragement before we recognize it in ourselves.
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May 19
Real community change and development happen when godly people actively bless others with their words and deeds.
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May 20
Whether you are a CEO, a teacher, a parent, a retiree, or anything else, as believers we have a common mission of sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed every day.
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May 21
All I ask is that God’s will be done in my life and everything I touch, just as it is in Heaven. I’ll also pray that God keeps me from evil and establishes the work of my hands, which I hope are daily surrendered to him.
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May 22
For change to happen, the cost of the status quo must be higher than the cost of change. That is, the pain of leaving things as they are must exceed the pain of making the change.
Read more.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

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What to do in a tight spot or between a rock and a hard place


If the pandemic can teach us anything, it’s this: We CAN change!