Sunday review: October 11-16


Believe, surrender, obey, say thanks, and never give up. This week’s posts encourage us to positive action. Remember and reread several of them to start a new week for God.

October 11
We have seen it so often. Highly talented and skilled people are called upon by kings, presidents, the wealthy, and the influential. They are called upon because they are needed to solve problems, create strong communities, and lead organizations. But I can promise you this: Before they were called to stand before kings, they did, in fact, work beside obscure, hard-working people.
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October 12
Regardless of where one places their faith, there will be seasons of difficulty. Sickness, loss, death, obstacles, and drought are a part of living in a fallen world. Those who choose to follow Jesus are not immune to suffering. In fact, a careful reading of the Scriptures suggests the opposite. Jesus himself said that in this world we will have difficulty. But where we place our trust determines the resources we have to endure our challenging seasons.
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October 13
Regardless of failure and even if we are on the right path, when we surrender to God’s will, placing our lives and our future in his hands, what he can shape is far more beautiful and even functional than anything we might imagine.
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October 14
When the light of God shines on us, it is not simply to put us in a spotlight or a heat lamp enjoying its warmth. Yes, we should receive this marvelous blessing of knowing that bad news won’t overwhelm us and that our hearts can hold steady in the storms and in darkness. But this blessing comes with a responsibility to then behave toward others in need with the same favor God has shown us.
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October 15
Getting our loved ones a good education and developing their various skills and hobbies is certainly appropriate. But if you want them ready for what life has to offer, focus on their spiritual development is critical. And the best way to start is to make it a priority in your own life. As our kids see evidence of our faith in God and the resulting wisdom and courage that comes with it, they have evidence of how it works. This doesn’t mean that they will follow instantly. But if we don’t demonstrate our faithfulness to God we may rob them of ever discovering all that God has in store for them.
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October 16
“What’s different for you, once you get back to Earth?”
“It’s completely changed my whole perspective, especially rain,” Wheelock said. “I am just, like fascinated by rain now. . . . . The smell of it, the sound of it, and just the feel against your skin I took for granted before, you know?”
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Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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