Sunday review: September 6-11


We’re not alone in this world, which is a good thing, because as this week’s posts remind us, none of us can thrive if we try to survive alone. Choose a couple of these to read again, and decide which would be most encouraging for you to share with a friend.

September 6
There is a healthy side to trying to figure things out for yourself. God created us in his image, which would suggest that with this likeness comes creative power and imagination. We can think, feel, and take action. But we cannot save ourselves from our biggest challenge, our sin. Only our Redeemer can handle this problem.
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September 7
I suspect it’s normal for those of us who remain always to struggle to watch the finish of the race. When our bodies near the finish line, it’s because they are wearing down. Yet those of us who have watched someone finish their race see a determination that appears like they are hanging on instead of crossing over. There are medical explanations that describe how the body shuts down. However, only our loved ones have the explanation for what that first step over the finish line feels like.
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September 8
When we grieve, our hearts are heavy and our minds struggle to do even the most basic tasks. Prayer is often difficult in the middle of our mourning, but we can pray for those trying to cope with their grief. Our prayers bring life-sustaining strength and power that grief-stricken friends and family need.
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September 9
But Isaiah 62 also reminds us that God is never silent or silenced. He may sometimes work in ways that are quiet, while other times his actions may be heard more loudly. Maybe, to borrow Isaiah’s imagery, the torch of the Lord is to be seen in us as our light shines forth for righteousness’ sake. Maybe the silence is broken when hammers sound out by believers who participate in the rebuilding of homes and churches wrecked by storms. Maybe silence is broken by the clanging of pots and pans where saints join hands with government to make and serve meals. Maybe the silence is broken with an ouch from a person who receives medication or even a needed vaccination.
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September 10
When Hebrews tells us to remember our spiritual leaders and teachers, the very next sentence says, “Consider the outcome of their way of life.” This means we should look at the life examples and outcomes, not simply the quality of their instruction.
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September 11
Crisis will come again, not only to our nation but in each individual life. Strength built on a foundation of daily communication with God has the best chance of standing against the attacks we will face.
Read more.

Photo by ART_of_ROSH on Unsplash

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