Why the weakest, most common container is the best one of all
“We have this treasure in jars of clay.” And that’s exactly the best place for it to reside! Encouragement for anyone feeling fragile today . . .
One way each of us can choose triumph over discouragement today
Sometimes we Christians look more like a whipped team of losers than a triumphant procession following our victorious Savior. Here’s one way to change that.
Working together is better than working alone—even with the mess!
Add a worker and the work becomes more productive—and complicated. How do we deal with the imperfections all of us bring to the job?
Using Paul’s uncomplicated keys to success in sharing the gospel
Paul lived and served without pretense or profit. And his example can help us share the gospel today.
We have hope because we know there is purpose in our suffering
Paul reminds people of faith that we can have unshakable hope because of the faithfulness of God. He can and will provide strength and comfort. However, his comfort is not just sympathy and warm feelings. God’s comfort literally provides strength to our very souls.
How you can know whether what you do today really makes a difference
Does your life matter? According to Paul, the answer lies at the very heart of the gospel. Read, and be encouraged.
Rethinking, rewording 1 Corinthians 13: Love is what we need!
Here’s my attempt to describe the “love chapter“ with different words so that I don’t just skim Paul’s familiar and powerful message to us. Read this and then read 1 Corinthians 13 and ask God to help you love others as he loves you.
Simple, but easy to overlook, what’s most important for our faith
Never forget what’s most important. Whether we discuss business, family, government, our health, or other concern, there has to be a foundation. There are basics and fundamentals we build upon. As Paul nears the end of 1 Corinthians, he reminds the church about the foundation.
Wisdom: every generation’s need, every father’s and son’s challenge
Fathers and sons need each other, but even if you didn’t get the wisdom you need from your dad, look for it. Wisdom is out there for those who seek it.
Six basics that can clear up division about spiritual gifts
The Corinthian Christians were immature in many ways, but nowhere was this more serious than in what they misunderstood about spiritual gifts.
Someone wants to take you down, but God is waiting to help you
No matter the adversary, God will help you prevail. But to get his greatest help we may need to sacrifice our first instinct.
What if you stopped competing? This is Paul’s challenge for us today
Competition is an expected component of our life in this culture. But the apostle calls us to something different, even more challenging, and ultimately the way to peace.
Self-control, the path to athletic success and a believer’s witness
I always root for the old guy, especially one like Phil Mickelson whose self-discipline bought him to success. So . . . why do we exercise spiritual self-discipline? That’s what I’m thinking about today.
How to avoid being filled with hot air but little nutritional value
I loved the first popovers I’ve ever tried. But I don’t think they make a good model for our faith.
We can be grateful for the many who have made our success possible
If I were to acknowledge all who have made my leadership possible, it would be a very long list, indeed!
‘You’re all that’—a prescription for division, a prelude to failure
Paul dealt with the problem centuries ago as he wrote to the ancient church in Corinth. And, sadly, we’re still dealing with it today, even in the church we know.
The big difference between our rest from God and simply taking it easy
Rest was good for King David, and it’s good for us. But then he let his rest settle into self-indulgence, and his problems became worse than ever.
After 400 years of silence, some may still find it hard to repent
400 years of silence preceded John the Baptist’s call to repent. And now, after another 400 years of silence about racial injustice in our great country, we have some repenting to do, too.
He sought God with his whole heart, but that didn’t make him perfect
This is the third day I’ve been thinking about how we can please God even though we’re not perfect. The Bible hero David gives us much to consider on this score.
Waiting on God and obeying him, while important, are not a checklist
There’s much we can do while waiting to experience the depth of the richness of the wisdom and knowledge of God. But these strategies do not form a checklist that will produce or provide the results you want and on the schedule you have in mind.