In God’s creativity we discover a mandate for believers today
This year, as in every year, we are called to join our Creator and our King in creating, renewing, restoring, and subduing until he comes again.
What Nehemiah did when all he worked for seemed almost wasted
Maybe prayers that ask God to remember are really more about us remembering that God keeps his promises. I think that became Nehemiah’s issue.
We can learn from what happened when Nehemiah finished the wall
Good leaders not only take on projects. They also develop the people that will lead when they have finished their assignments. The first step Nehemiah took was to appoint leaders for different functions to extend and continue the work of the city.
This kinder, gentler approach was nevertheless evil and rejected
Instead of threats, they offered him kindness. But Nehemiah knew their overtures were really just another effort to distract him from the work God gave him.
How he led well, even when faced with the worst sort of problems
Opposition from without was not the only problem Nehemiah faced. Just as dangerous were situations he found among his own people.
What to do when you experience opposition to your work for God
Too often today, if someone doesn’t like something another is doing, the response is to mock them or question their worth. That’s what Nehemiah’s opposition did, but it was not what he did. He chose to pray.
How a question led to action, and how it can happen for us too
Once the question leads to action, the activity will grow. What will prompt your upcoming work? What will prompt someone to join you?
Two outcomes to expect when you answer God’s challenging call
Nehemiah experienced what you will discover: When God calls you to restore and rebuild, you can be confident at least two things will happen.
Two stories, one ancient and one from my life, about how God prompts
God prompts, often where we don’t expect, sometimes before we even realize we need his help. Are you hoping to feel his nudge?
Walls will fall. Let’s get ready to see how God will use us this year
We have something in common with Nehemiah. Faced with falling walls, he found God’s strength to get busy rebuilding. Will we?
What should we do if someone honestly answers this question?
It’s the equivalent of “hello,” but maybe this year we can make it mean more.
A goal for the new year: Extend God’s praise to the next generation
We teach the next generation to praise God by the way we praise him in both the good and the bad days of our lives. How did that happen in 2021? How will it happen next year?
He is here and not yet here. We are there and not yet there
We celebrated his arrival, and Scripture tells us how to experience him with us every day. In it all, we can know that eternity has already begun.
Because his birth was just a beginning, our work must carry on
What’s different after Christmas than before? Not much. And that’s exactly the point!
Know that God is still with you, even two days after Christmas
Did you miss God at Christmas? Relax, there’s still time, and he’s still right beside you, waiting.
We anticipate his coming again even as we celebrate his birth
Advent is not simply waiting to celebrate Christ’s birth. It is about anticipating his final return.
Whether or not Santa sees us every minute, we know God does!
“You better watch out, you better not cry.” “Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.” Hmmm . . . do these songs teach us the right message?
Five lessons about abiding from just one chapter in Scripture
“O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel.” The apostle tells us how God will answer the prayer of Phillips Brooks.
The message of Christmas is simple enough for a child to understand
I was wrestling with the deep message in two New Testament passages, when a text from my grandson showed me the simple reality.
The best gift: our standing in Christ is the same as the apostle’s
I suspect every one of you is in possession of this gift, so my gift is simply a reminder of what you already have. I want us all to take full advantage of this amazing reality!