Sunday review: December 27—January 1

Posts this week focus on the new year ahead. Which of these has helped you anticipate the coming months with new courage and resolve? 

December 27
David reminds us that God knows our coming and going, our thoughts and our words, even before we express them. And even in the darkest hours of fatigue, disappointment, and grief, our loving Creator does not pull back; he surrounds us.
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December 28
The day after Christ was born and the day after his resurrection looked about the same for most people. Yes, Jesus said, “It is finished“ before he died. It was and it is finished. Christ made the payment for all sins for all time providing a way for our restoration with God and securing our eternal future. But a careful reading of the rest of the New Testament reminds us that we now live in the last days waiting for the final arrival of Jesus.
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December 29
Paul’s description of those who are asleep in the Lord and those who are awake strikes me as a very helpful and hopeful connection. Even in this moment, both those who have departed and those still here are in fact alive in Christ. The connection we share in Christ is eternal just as Jesus promised.
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December 30
Take a minute and think of the people around you who have blessed you, encouraged you, and frankly need you to pray for them as the year ends and new challenges and opportunities emerge.
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December 31
So what will we remember from this year? We will remember some good days. Many will remember significant losses. But I suspect as I have watched you go through your challenges and you have watched mine, we realize that God is faithful. He has carried us through. No matter what we face or remember as we close this year and anticipate the next, we will declare that our Redeemer lives and at the last he will still stand.
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January 1
We’re not only intrigued by the frankness of the psalmist’s laments but helped by his worship that often follows them. Just sentences after writing, “How long will you hide your face from me?” (Psalm 13:1), he affirmed, “But I trust in your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in your salvation” (v. 5). We trust you, too, Lord. We believe, so with confidence we pray, “Please help our unbelief.”
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Photo by zero take on Unsplash

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