Discovering the wonder and living with the conviction Jesus brings
As we walk with Jesus there will be many days of wonder. Our sense of wonder at this marvelous Savior will also bring conviction. And our conviction must lead to love for all people.
Sunday review: June 13-18
Focus, focus, focus! Focus on God’s goodness, God’s plan, God’s standards for the healthiest life possible. Readers of these daily posts get help with the challenge of seeing God amid all the distractions of this life. The following snippets from this week’s offerings will show you how this is true.
There’s something better than the most efficient, predictable path
Have we become interstate people, insisting that the best path between two points is the shortest? I’m not convinced that’s true.
How ‘Think before you act’ applies to our daily life with God
I have a friend who told his workers to devote regular time just to thinking. The psalmist understood the genius in this advice when he advocated simply pondering the depths of God’s Word.
Five guidelines from Paul for your very best (spiritual!) walk
Everybody knows walking is good for you, but Paul goes way beyond the medical experts to explain how to have a healthy spiritual walk.
Separated within, separated between, and separated from God
“Forgive us for the idols we create when fighting for our causes instead of embracing the unity possible through Christ. Thank you for making it possible for us to know peace, to live peace, and to offer your peace to others through Jesus.”
Two aged saints, one gift from God, our greatest contribution
Two aged saints saw God fulfill his promise to them and his plan for all humankind, when the infant Jesus was presented in the temple,
My challenge to pray this simple prayer for God to do his work
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Sunday review: June 6-11
It’s a great life we live . . . when we submit it to the standards God gave to make it good. Discover several of them as you review and remember insights posted here this week.
How to react when the spreadsheet says you don’t have enough
“My grace is sufficient for you” threatens not to satisfy in our more-is-better world.
These guardrails from the Psalms help us walk a fulfilling journey
Just as guardrails along mountain roads help guarantee a fulfilling journey, God’s guardrails equip us for the best way to move forward.
Learning more to share more: taking Luke’s mission as our own
Luke spent hours and hours, likely over months or even years, to help Theophilus have an accurate understanding of Jesus. What if we all invested that kind of time and energy in helping just one person have a deep and abiding knowledge of Jesus?
How God connects life with unity, and seeks them both for everyone
All of us were dead. All who believe in Jesus are alive in him and called to be united in reaching the other dead people with the good news of Jesus. And all means all.
In a world divided by competing strategies, God offers just one plan
The only lasting and permanent solutions are the eternal solutions that come because in the fullness of time God sent Jesus to die for our sins and eventually to restore all things when he comes in glory.
In his deliverance, his first words of thanks were to the Lord
It was a day like no other, and before David told others about it, first he went to the Lord.
Sunday review: May 30—June 4
There’s something different in the lives of those who have decided to follow Jesus. Many of the posts this week remind us how that’s true. Which one of these encourages you most?
Why it’s good to find ourselves in the place of the in-between
Whatever stress you’re feeling, whatever tragedy you’re facing, perhaps you’ll find encouragement here. All of us walk the path of the in-between.
Words of comfort, words of hope, help for the anguish of today
We need to know how we get to the next day and declare that this is the day the Lord has made and that we can rejoice. We need examples of those who walk through the shadow of death and still find quiet waters and renewed faith. We need to declare these truths even on days that we struggle to believe them.
An alternative to the nipping and yipping so common in our culture
We can’t turn to any media outlet without hearing the back-and-forth attacks, confrontations, or accusations. Scripture shows a better way.
Why should believers seek a better path than the ‘gotcha’ game?
Sadly in current culture and even in the church, there seems to be a preference for playing “gotcha.” It seems like we have become more interested in finding ways to disparage, ridicule, and embarrass than finding ways to help, share, and encourage one another.